
Case and Issue Tracking provides 100% visibility across the board for the issues you service for your customers, vendors, and partners. Simply Start a new case and open a ticket in your virtual help desk. Associate long-term cases with ongoing issues that can be quickly solved and closed. CRMASP provides a simple case management software solution integrated with our CRM Application.

All sales calls, trouble tickets, and customer activities can be tracked and reported. Email campaigns and call automation tracking features are organized by Company and are made available to all other parts of the system.


Customize Support Issues with our custom fields


Assign issues to one or multiple team members

Track the cases so no customer issue falls through the cracks

Our support cases allowsyou to customize the statuses, priority definitions, types, and provide custom fields specific to the nature of the issues your Support, Customer Service, or Sales teams face. You may also relate support cases to companies, contacts, calls, events, or documents within your FreeCRM system. You can add notes to the issue as it progresses and associate all these information types in one convenient case!
